Some Aspects Of The Transformation Of State Financial Control In The Framework Of Public Administration Reform In Ukraine


Ukraine is undergoing a systemic reform of public administration, which does not bypass public finances. This article is devoted to the formation of a modern system of state control, which aims to ensure optimal supervision over the formation and use of public resources / finances. Conceptual principles of public financial control are evolving in accordance with structural and procedural reforms in public authorities. We should consider existing practices and procedures, as well as identify in a timely manner the need to revise approaches to modern forms and methods of control activities. Legislators and officials must take into account the peculiarities of the development of public administration since independence, the presence of negative features of Ukraine as a state. Corruption, economic crisis, and outflow of investment require changes in the methodology of control actions from formal procedures to performance audits.

During the study, a systematic approach was used, which allowed to consider the form and the content of modern public financial control in Ukraine. The historical approach allowed us to study the evolution of the system of state control since independence. The method of extrapolation made it possible to use world and European experience in building an effective system of internal and external financial control in developed economies.

The result of the study presented reasonable vision of how to build an effective system of public financial control in the country with a Soviet past, the signs of corruption in government, the raw materials economy. The features and characteristics of the post-Soviet system of state financial control with its inherent features, forms and content are clearly defined. A new concept of building an effective system of controlling bodies is proposed, the work of which is aimed at meaningful and effective supervision over the filling of the state's financial resources and their reasonable and rational use.

Clearly defined directions for reforming the system of public financial control allow the relevant authorities to exercise internal control over the effective use of public finances by budgetary institutions, as well as to establish effective procedures for conducting independent external public financial control. As part of public administration reform, new approaches, forms and methods of conducting control procedures are emerging.