Spatial Planning Measures to Improve Areas with Excess Moisture


Soil is a porous medium with variable physical characteristics in time and space determines certain peculiarities of water flow through the mass. Sometimes these features prevent the formulation of mathematical laws describing these processes is needed approximations of physical process for future mathematical formula. For this reason, tackling water circulation through saturated soil to drain requires simplification of the actual physical processes and how they can be expressed through contemporary professional knowledge. The medium flow is considered as a set of small spheres merged with uniform diameters, which gives an idealized picture for all environments intergranular porous structure, more or less homogenous. Study spill plan requires microscopic differentiation, considering that the process occurs through Microwire, ie capillaries, and macroscopic and plan for the overall evaluation of transfer phenomena in porous media. For studies on developing a computational model for obtaining the layout of the network characteristic hydrodynamic drains were approached several variants depending on the characteristics of the soil profile and the type of construction of drain. Such network hydrodynamic model for specific concrete calculation leads to a relationship that expresses the form of the free surface groundwater for the study. Solving the problem analytically to calculate the potential complexity of the speed field, and numerical solutions have the advantage that they can be as fine approximation is desired, resulting in accurate results.