Specialist University Education in Taxation in Croatia


Programs of business administration at undergraduate and graduate level offer variety of opportunities for study. Usually study programs offer traditional and wider range of education in finance, accountancy, marketing, management etc. Paper will present an additional education offered to (under)graduate students from certain tax issues, that will complement current programs in finance, accountancy and planning at Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB), University of Zagreb. Program called “Summer Tax Academy” (STA) offer additional 30 hours of education offered form tax advisers and university staff together. Main goal of STA is additional education for EU and Croatian tax issues. Targeted student population are senior (under)graduate students with preferences toward finances, accounting and planning. Except acquiring additional knowledge and higher employment status, student comes to direct contact with leading domestic an international expert’s form tax advisory. Further collaboration can be evolved through networking, probationary employment etc. STA program is developed together by university staff and private sector. STA if free and all financial, managerial and organizational issues are covered by sponsors or FEB. The STA has been held for five years in a row, during July 2017-2021. In that period, about 200 students graduated from STA, which is a good basis for analyzing the results so far. Main goal of paper is to present program, organizational and financial concept of such program, as well as to deliver experiences form students perspective and employees’ perspective. For such purpose, at the end of the program, for each generation a short survey was conducted to collect attitudes toward such form of education.
