Spirits Market in Romania. Trends, Analysis and Statistics


The production of alcoholic beverages is an activity with a long tradition in Europe, the alcohol being produced and drunk by Europeans for thousands of years and made from any materials were locally available. Alcoholic beverages are important economic goods on the European market, generating revenues of over 30 billion euros, especially from taxes and commercial excise duties. The consumption of spirits has decreased in Europe, mainly due to the increase of the consumption of low alcoholic beverages, against the backdrop of intense campaigns regarding the harmful effects of the excessive alcohol consumption. Research has shown that, although there is a reduction in the national consumption of spirits, Romania occupies leading positions at European and international level regarding the moderate consumption of spirits, and having a lower market price compared to the European average. There are significant differences between consumption recorded in different regions of Romania, respectively between urban and rural areas residents. Medium and long-term forecasts continue to predict a reduction in the consumption of spirits segment orientation superior products, increasing the share of young people who consume alcohol. The statistical information regarding the consumption of the indigenous population is affected by the illicit production and consumption of spirits, Romania occupying the first position at European level in the field of non-payment of taxes related to alcoholic beverages. The research is useful to the business environment and to the Romanian officials, for the development of strategies regarding the economic development and the health of the population.