Stakeholder Analysis on the Adoption of Innovation Strategies


This article aims to highlight the importance of vision in companies that want to adopt innovation strategies, influenced by stakeholders but also the relevance of research, finding a way to analyze and classify these factors, determining the development of a company, ensuring its performance, of a high level of economic sustainability.
Innovation strategies are aimed at companies that have an orientation towards competitiveness and economic sustainability.This article presents classifying stakeholders based on their influence and power and then understanding their motivations so that you can prioritize your efforts and resources accordingly to achieve the desired.
It is very important understanding their motivations and stakeholder analysis. The basic objective of these companies is to focus on the most appropriate innovation strategies, influenced by key stakeholders, in relation to market needs and customer expectations but also with positive regulations, through strategic balancing. Combining innovative strategies and their role, with understanding the factors that contribute to increasing economic sustainability, the company becomes more competitive, achieving long-term desired performance.