Standardization of Business Processes Based on the Use of Digital Platforms


The development of a new form of trade and property relations such as digital platforms based economy has become one of the effects of global technological transformations and digitalization of consumers` experience. Departure of consumer behavior from acquisition to sharing, exclusion of intermediaries from customer-performer chain, strengthening the role of online reputation and selfregulation of community to ensure the quality of services change revolutionarily the business model in many areas. Today, in the global economic space there is a tendency to the digital economy growth which is determined by the shift from the supply-side economy to the demand economy, based on the ecosystems of consumers, partners and product designers. The need to study the development problems of digital business models in the modern conditions and to determine the vectors of their solution is conditioned by the integration and globalization processes which necessitate a search for modern methods, tools and strategies for the development of business entities.Foreign business structures that already use digital platform solutions gain significant competitive advantages in the global market, which is especially important in the context of globalization.