State of Transport Service in the City of Brno


Transport service is one of the basic requirements that creates the preconditions for the operation of the destination, especially when it comes to the concentration of a large number of people, the seat of industrial and other companies, including shopping centres, along with a number of architectural and tourist sights. It is not different in the second largest city of the Czech Republic with a population of 380,000 inhabitants. This number does not include daily commuting working people, university students and tourism participants, who increase this number by several tens of thousands. More than half a million people move around the city every day. In order for everyone to reach their goals, it is necessary to have a well-functioning transport network in the city. This applies not only to the city of Brno, but also to cooperation throughout the South Moravian Region. Thus, regional carriers (including Czech Railways) must work together to ensure coherent public transport.