Statistical Analysis of Unauthorized Money Transfers using Payment Cards in Russia


The purpose of the study is to analyze the trends in the unauthorized transactions number and volume for the funds transfer by individuals through payment cards. In the process of research, the methodology of econometric modeling was used. Econometric analysis of quarterly values unauthorized transactions number and volume for the funds transfer by individuals through payment cards during 2014-2018 allowed to trends identify. The volumes of unauthorized transactions trends in the committment place context are separately identified: trade organizations, ATMs and CNP transactions, and also the trends types. The volumes of unauthorized transactions trends in the committment place context are separately identified: trade organizations, ATMs and CNP transactions, and also the trends types. The analysis showed that stable pattern indicators are still being formed. Therefore, the creation and implementation of an effective strategy for the development of the banking sector, in the modern conditions, together with the traditional introduction of new, innovative approaches to risk assessment and management in its specific sphere of activity.