Strategic Imperatives of Digital Convergence: Analysis of Transformative Dynamics, Organisational Recalibrations and Leadership Paradigms in the context of Digitalisation


This paper offers an in-depth analysis of the strategic imperatives generated by the converging forces of digital transformation and the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. It focuses on the exploration of transformative dynamics, organisational recalibrations and novel leadership paradigms that are critical in a globally interconnected economic context. The text critically examines the challenges and opportunities facing corporations, and the real estate industry in particular, and presents innovative approaches to address the crises induced by the pandemic and digital paradigm shifts. Key elements of corporate governance, organisational structure and employee motivation are discussed in detail in the context of strategic and organisational levels and emerging digital paradigms. The paper aims to provide sound insights and recommendations for action based on a careful analysis of the relevant literature and the current economic landscape.