Strategic Neuropsychology Approach for Successful Digital Transformation Initiatives: Steps for Inspiring Organizational Collaboration, Communication, Connection and Coordination


In business, two of the hardest things to change with digital transformation initiatives are technology and culture, regardless if the end application users are employees or clients. Even top technology research analyst and management consulting firms remind us that communication issues are expected. Yet, when it comes to specifics on ways to overcome and even prevent communication matters at the project on-set, no one can provide a step by step action plan.This study researches and defines an actionable solution that can be the foundational base where employees, and contractors, of legacy organizations come together, are creative, innovative, disruptive, in a happy and engaged workplace environment, and feel valued and appreciated. When dealing with digital transformation, there are different disciplines and lines of business involved, which also means there is a need to collaborate at least two differing mindsets to make it work; intuitive and analytical. Including participants from different disciplines involved with digital transformation initiatives, we used a 4-week cohesive mind shift program combined with Data Intelligence and Mastermind Intelligence techniques. Found when applying strategic neuropsychology approaches with the team, there were some positive behavioral shifts that became part of a routine cultural attitude.The research addressed and confirmed an impactful straightforward strategic neuropsychology approach an organization can use to collaborate, communicate, connect and coordinate when conducting digital transformation initiatives and others as well.