Strategies for the Behavior of an International Company in the Financial Market


Today, the world economy is characterized not only by free trade in goods and services, but also by free movement of capital. Exchange rates of currencies, interest rates, stock prices in different countries are closely interconnected, thus, the global financial market begins to have a significant impact on economic conditions.

The international financial market is a system in which financial assets and relationships between participants are realized through transactions with these assets at the international level. Financial assets are cash, as well as investment values, which in turn are a tool for the formation of these funds. Thanks to this, conditions are created for speculative operations and for playing on the market [3].

The modern world financial market consists of the foreign exchange market, the securities market and the market for financial derivatives. The main trends observed in the global financial market are:

  • increasing the role of financial markets in the investment process;
  • continuous growth of the sector of corporate securities (stocks, bonds);
  • increasing links between the financial sector of the economy and the real;
  • concentration and centralization of capital;
  • the growth of the scale of computerization and the global development of technology;
  • securitization;
  • increasing the importance of individual investors;
  • globalization and internationalization;
  • an increase in the scale of turnover in the global financial market.