Strategy Of Political Marketing In Affecting Voter’s Decision In Governor Election Of East Java Province In 2018


This research aimed to analyze strategy of political marketing in affecting the factors which become electors’ decision in Governor Election (Pilgub) of East Java Province of in 2018. This study used a quantitative survey approach using factor analysis techniques using SPSS. Research site was in Madura, East Java Province of Indonesia. The number of respondents were 101 people who were selected purposively. The theoretical basis used was the political marketing product theory of Akbiyik and Eroglu (2014) which included 3 (three) products as follow; the credibility of the candidate, the candidate's work program, and the identity of political parties. In addition to the three political marketing products, in this research, researcher included elements of pesantren politics as a form of local politics derived from local wisdom politics. This was a marketing strategy in the region. These four political marketing products were reduced to several indicators according to their respective operational definitions. The results of data processing in factor analysis using SPSS showed that there were 7 (seven) factors which affect voter/elector decisions in the 2018 East Java Governor Election, which were, pesantren politics, identity of supporting political parties, support of various parties, candidate work programs, candidate credibility, communication style, and attractiveness. Of the seven factors, pesantren politics is the biggest contributing factor. The amount of contribution was seen from the highest number of indicators and factor loading values. The politics of pesantren had a loading factor value of 0.844, the identity of the bearers of political party 0.794, the support of various parties 0.761, the candidate's work program 0.841, the credibility of the candidate 0.839, the communication style 0.762, and the attractiveness of 0.811.
