Strengthening Vocational Education Through Revitalization of Local Training Center in Indonesia


Since Indonesia implemented the law of regional autonomy in 2001, almost all of the management training centers have been handed over by the local government. The unpreparedness of the local government has caused most of the training centers degraded and cannot adapt to global challenges. Indeed, the training center is a form of vocational education that can minimize the links and matches problem between education and the market labor need. The aim study is to build strategies to revive local training centers to be the center for human resource development by using qualitative methods. The authors conclude that local training centers in Indonesia need to be revitalized. The revitalization includes; First, promoting management level in regional training Center to be more autonomous in determining budgets. Second, the central government provides coaching for regional training centers that have not been able to prepare training independently. Third, involve the village head in rural to design a training program that matches local potential. Fourth, strengthen cooperation with the companies in the preparation of curriculum, training instructors, and job placements for trainees.