Structural and cohesion funds absorption in Romania


In terms the economic situation of Romania is strongly affected by the global crisis, the survival of firms in difficulty is in accessing grants. According to a study by KPMG, Romania wasted opportunity to attract European funds, although economic recovery is delayed, and the crisis has greatly reduced foreign investment. "Romania and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have experienced a significant reduction in foreign investment since the beginning of the recession, leaving investors in emerging markets in search of less risky regions, the research shows. In these circumstances it is essential for Romania to take advantage of significant amounts made available by the European Union grants available for the period 2007-2013. Romania still has a low absorption rate in the field of Transportation, energy and technical assistance. The good news is that research and human resources development and structural funds absorption was more efficient. If a company receives a grant fund, it must know all the details on the correct use of this fund, not to be put in a position to repay all the money. This paper shows the impact of the crisis grants access, and the structural funds for Romania absortiei. The research methodology is based on studying the bibliography to achieve the objectives pursued in this article.