Student Satisfaction of University Facilities: An Empirical Dataset


The student higher education satisfaction covers the issues of students’ perceptions and experiences during their academic endurances in university. Each university tries to provide the best services and facilities to make students feel comfortable and happy during their life in university, but the acceptance of students is different and it will make the difference in the level of satisfaction with the services and facilities provided as well. The descriptive data presented in this article is used to measure the level of students’ satisfaction with university facilities which are provided by the university and government. This study involved 280 respondents comprising diploma, bachelor degree and post graduate students at a Malaysian Public University. An open-ended question with 10 Likert Scale was distributed to respondents to identify the level of students’ satisfaction with the facilities provided by the university. The one to 10 scale measurements starting with one (1) is Very Strongly Dissatisfied to ten (10) is Very Strongly Satisfied have been used to measure the level of students’ satisfaction towards 14 facilities at the university. The findings showed that the highest satisfaction levels of students were at the library and Islamic centre. This finding showed that the pattern of student satisfaction level is more than moderate towards to high level of satisfaction on the services and facilities provided by the university. This means that most of the facilities provided by the university have fulfilled the student requirement and need. Thus, the students can focus on their studies, improve their talent and stay happy during their life in university. In the meantime, this result can be used by the university to improve their services and facilities provided for the students.
