Students’ Competences and Professional Preparation – Expectations and the Degree of Meeting them Related to the Participation in the EU Project


The paper – based on theoretical considerations on the nature of graduates’ competences and employers’ expectations in this regard – presents the results of research conducted among students of the public university, participants of the project „Be Creative – human resources development for the business services sector” (co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020). The goal of the project was to increase the competences of future employees in the business sector, i.e. students of the public university studying in the field of finance and accounting.

The implementation of this project, as well as the preparation of this type of analyses, originate from the discrepancies between employers’ expectations and the competences of students – their future employees. The conducted analyses using questionnaire studies resulted in the identification of students’ expectations in terms of their competences (state and development needs), the degree of meeting these expectations achieved by participating in the project, as well as the measurable effects of the project, expressed in employment after graduation (within 6 months of completing the project).