Study Concerning the Per-Household Revenue and the Food Expenses in Giurgiu County – Romania


The paper is written based on a survey conducted in 2015 in the Macro-Region 3, specifically in Giurgiu county, one of the seven counties of the South-Muntenia Region. The level of population’s revenue, together with the level of per household expenses on food and beverages are very important indicators of the way the economic stability is being assured on regional and national level. This paper has the main purpose to analyse the level of food expenses in the Giurgu county, correlated with the per-household revenue that those interrogated replied having. I used the method of the questionnaire of research in 12 villages and Giurgiu municipality. The results led to the conclusion that Giurgiu households have a lower income then average national level, but they also spend less money on food then the national average. Also, the largest part of expenses go on services, with urban households spending slightly more on services then the rural households.