Study of Financial Business Development Trends in Russian Regions


The introduction of the sanctions regime in relation to the Russian banking market by a number of Western states entailed significant risks. They resulted in a restriction on the freedom of movement of financial capital, increased competition in the financial segment. In the interests of economic growth of the Russian economy, the task was set to ensure liquidity and stability of commercial banks. The banking market in the regions determines the features of the development of the banking system of the country as a whole. The development, maintenance and improvement of the level of development of regional banks is an important aspect that characterizes the level of development of the national banking system as a whole. This study is devoted to the analysis of regions in terms of the potential development of the banking business. The authors assessed the dynamics and volumes of loans issued and deposits attracted by credit institutions. The authors identified trends that determine the path of development of the banking sector in an unstable environment and the active introduction of digital technologies. It is noted that the modern banking business will be competitive when it adopts a strategy of rejecting excess profits and is adaptive to new business conditions