Study on Essential Digital Leader’s Skills in the Process of Digital Transformation


This paper aims to analyze the importance of a digital leader in the context of digital transformations and to sketch the "portrait" of an efficient digital leader as close as possible to help companies easily going through the process of digitization. To obtain relevant information, we will examine the existing literature, as well as the latest published studies on the impact of a digital leader in the implementation process. Furthermore, we will investigate in depth what are the sets of skills and essential characteristics that the digital leader should have, to find out later in this research how important the digital leader is in an IT company, including how much professional experience and technical knowledge matters to support a successful transformational process. For this purpose, a targeted questionnaire has been used to ensure that all results presented in this paper are based on real data, tested for statistical significance.

We conclude the research with a set of conclusions meant to outline the importance of having a digital leader when the company goes through a process of digital transformation and also to provide a structured "portrait" of the digital leader (skills and essential characteristics).