Study over Corruption and European Economic Convergence


This paper is an analysis of the level of corruption as measured by the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) and economic convergence in the frame of European Union as measured by the movement of GDP per year, for a sample of EU 28 and candidate states, during 2006 and 2016. The methodology used is: economic and comparative analysis method, statistic method, empirical and econometric analysis using Eviews. The databases used are: Eurostat, INSR (Romanian National Institute of Statistics), BNR (National Bank of Romania), ECB (European Central Bank). The methodological way aims to: accumulate new date and information, or update the old statistics, systematization, elaboration of new directions. The convergence term is related, in a common language, to reducing the performances gaps (in productivity, competing, competitiveness, level of living, GDP terms), as a condition for socio-economic homogeneity. The findings of the paper emphasize a strong causality between corruption and European real convergence. The limitation of the study consists in the fact the CPI was used as the best measuring method of corruption in all countries in the sample, but CPI does not measure corruption per se; the index measures the perception of corruption. The study may provide a starting point for future econometric quantitative research in order to see empirical connection between corruption and economic development in the frame of European economic convergence question.