Study Regarding the Tourist Traffic in the Danube Delta through Forecasting the Last Two Years


Tourism exploits the natural and human potential of a country, enriching them continually, satisfying multiple human motivations. It has a multiplier effect, introducing unprecedented economic cycle sides such as landscape (for "consumption" which is to go to the site), hospitality, solicitude and information (geographical, cultural, historical, culinary, artistic etc). We consider the implications and considerations highlight the economic importance of tourism in that it is a means of diversifying economic structures; means of exploiting resources; creator and user of national income; creator of new jobs; stimulating investment. Seasonality is the dominant feature of tourist activity and should be considered in formulating marketing policy. Seasonality of tourism demand is an objective reality that deeply marks the entire activity of the entities involved in tourism. Thus, in this paper we analyzed the movement of tourists in the Danube Delta in recent years, using the moving average method geometric mean and the method of arithmetic mean, and applying formulas specific, we tried to predict who will be the number of tourists who will visit Danube Delta over the next two years.