Substantiation of Innovative Scenario for Regional Development on the basis of Clustering


The article deals with the methodological aspects for analysis of innovative developing on regional level. The subject of the study is a modern methodological tools for solving scientific and practical problems of innovative development. The aim of the work is to summarize the main directions of innovative development and clustering of the economy of the Republic of Mari El as the basis for sustainable development of the region. In the course of the research the criteria of optimality innovative development of innovative clusters in region are developed. The advantage of using these indicators is the possibility of forming a set of models of cluster development in order to select the optimal strategy of clustering the economy for each specific territory, as well as the differentiation of clusters from similar forms of spatial concentration of production. The factors for formation of innovation clusters in the Republic Mari El as the basis of modernization of the regional economic system are considered. On the basis of the analysis of economic specialization the main directions of clustering are Republic Mari El are revealed