Survey on Factors of the Efficiency of Automatization Reconciliation between Bank Transactions and Invoices in Accounting System


In the process of automating the mapping of bank transactions with invoices, it is necessary to integrate various systems, tools, and data. The main purpose of this article is to present a state of the latest research on methods and tools of automation for recognition and matching between bank transactions and invoices implemented with the use of modern IT models, methods, and tools. Methodology of research was developed by adoption of the generalized systems analysis. The impact of the properties of various platforms and ways of performing banking transactions on the identified parameters is analyzed. The results show that the following groups: invoice document, bank account operations and records in the company's accounting system, which are of key importance in the processes of automated mapping of banking transactions with the invoices. In addition, in order to improve the identification of liabilities, it can be worth using appropriate tools and procedures enabling the correct identification of the liability to which the banking operation relates. It is also important to ensure the availability of accurate information and correct descriptions of banks' transactions, which in turn can speed up and improve accounting processes in a company.