Sustainability of Development of Industrial Enterprises Depending on the Level of their Manufacturability


Today the structure of the world economy is undergoing through significant changes, due to the processes of globalization and the transition to a new technological order. In this regard, ensuring the sustainability of development of the key industries is becoming a vital task. At the same time, industrial sector is a dynamically linked system, and fluctuations in the sustainability of the development of some of its representatives can have a multiplicative effect on the others. First of all, these interrelationships are manifested in the division of industries by the level of manufacturability. The objective of this study is to determine key factors ensuring the sustainability of development of industrial sectors in terms of their level of manufacturability. The research methodology is based on cluster and correlation and regression analysis. The object of the study is Russian industrial sector. The official statistics on the development of Russian and world industry in open access serve as a base for the study. Cluster analysis clearly demonstrated that the distribution of industries depending on the level of their manufacturability in Russia is quite identical to the global classifications. Investigation of the factors ensuring sustainability demonstrated a clear increase in the dependence on innovation activity with an increase in the level of manufacturability, while with a decrease in this level, the dependence between the sustainability of development and the financial stability is growing.