Sustainable Agriculture – between Sustainable Development and Economic Competitiveness


Agriculture has the objective of producing food by growing plants and raising animals, but being a productive activity, depending on the technologies used, the level of intensification and specialization, may result in natural resources and environmental degradation: soil, water, air. 
By the early 90s in Romania was practiced an intensive agriculture based on the concentration and specialization of production, intensive chemical treatments were used to control weeds, pests and diseases. After reconstitution ownership of agricultural land was practiced an extensive agriculture with minimal inputs. There a re used small amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, monoculture or short rotation are practiced. Both agricultural systems affect the environment and natural resources, endangering on long-term their productive potential.
In this context, a viable alternative to these agricultural systems is sustainable agriculture that combines harmoniously tillage, crop rotation, crop rotation length, use of agrochemical substances to achieve stable productions, while preserving quality of resources.