Sustainable development of regions: Creation of future housing by means of territorial community association and implementation of innovative initiatives with agentsof change


Over the past 3-4 years, Ukraine has started and substantially advanced in the direction of decentralization of public administration and implemented a meaningful transformation of the system of local self-government. The union of territorial communities has created the basic conditions for effective self-government. This article focuses on identifying trends in the process of consolidation of the territorial communities in Ukraine as a whole and in its separate regions. As a result, of the review of modern decentralization practices and the emergence of new characteristics of the local self-government system, it is necessary to seek effective tools and models for sustainable development of enlarged communities.The study reviews the current practices of reforms, analyzed the changes and conducted a comparative analysis, used the "from simple to complex" approach, as well as modeling new organizational forms of sustainable development of communities. clear results were obtained at various levels of the regional hierarchy, from the village to the small town of district significance, which testify to the presence of significant potential in the development of the Kiev region. the successful implementation of the first stage of decentralization requires a gradual transition to the derivative forms of organization of the territories of joint residence with the definition of the main objective - ensuring sustainable development of the regions.An extensive review of the successful practices of territorial transformations has led to an understanding of the implementation of the action, namely the attraction of additional resources through the implementation of innovative projects on socio-economic development of UTC. Satisfaction of the need for private accommodation, creation of jobs, combination of the creation of technological productions with the ecological responsibility of communities and their individual members. A new derived vision of sustainable development has been formed with the use of the concept of Patchwork, that is, adeepened social component. Kyiv region should become the focus of relevant pilot projects.