Sustainable Estate Management of Green Neighborhood Index: Greenship GBCI in Subsidized Hosing


Indonesia is the third most populous country in the world, which will certainly have needs for housing. According to data from the Ministry of Public Works And Public Housing of Indonesia, it is known that the number of subsidized houses built in Indonesia in 2019 is a 74.6 percent. So, subsidized housing construction should be given greater attention in ensuring sustainable development. On the other hand, subsidized housing is a house that must be affordable by middle-low income people. So that environmental, social, economic aspects must be implement in harmony and affordable. This study aims to assess the sustainability management application in subsidized housing. The method uses the green neighborhood index in Indonesia, called Green Neighborhood GBCI. The location of this research is in Perumnas Parung Panjang. The data in the form of satellite photos, design master plan and the data from estate management system. The results of the green neighborhood index, then analyzed descriptively for the sustainability management discuss. Assessment in the Parung Panjang Perumnas gets 43 points according the GBCI Green Neighborhood Index. From the aspect of sustainability management, some input can be obtained for energy, water, material and culture aspects. If the input is carried out, the GBCI Green Neighborhood Index points will be 85 points so that sustainable development will be created in subsidized housing.