In the manufacture of software, specifically in the activity of System Analysis, the student of Systems Engineering and Computer Science must know and systematically develop capacities for the continuous improvement of their performance in the treatment of System requirements, since the capacities executed in their mental space, often of deep abstraction, they are developed in Spanish language at a level of colloquial and / or common use without a guideline and theoretical basis of applied grammatical structure. Which leads to a subjective perception, identification and description of software requirements. Given these empirical facts, a guiding concept is proposed, based on the deductive method; which is the basis for the approach, presentation and development of capabilities that help the student in the sensitive identification, description, relationship and diagramming of components for modeling software requirements; the same that indicates to us, that the experiences of reality are perceived by the senses, through information, data and that in the synergistic link between; a structure - intermediaries (being the logic and the logic of use cases, for example) and the language (semantic expression of meanings) comes to a conscious reason (thought) that contributes to the modeling of software requirements. Therefore, the present investigation is of a quantitative approach, experimental type, explanatory level and pre-experimental design, carried out to students of the Systems Engineering and Informatics career at the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo in the city of Huaraz-Ancash, to whom the Documental Measurement Instrument "Components of modeling software requirements" was applied. And in the application of the research, a favorable performance of the student in the treatment of System requirements of 36% was obtained, in addition the general hypothesis of the research was corroborated. Ha = Logic-language synergy improves the modeling of software requirements in Peruvian Systems Engineering and Informatics students.