Systemic Risk: The Complex Empirical Study of Romanian Market


Romanian market is classified to be a Frontier Market. This characteristic implies a lot of rapid improvements which are visible within whole market structure. Unfortunately the last international events influenced the small markets a lot, which is why nowadays Romanian market survive in context of difficulty, changeability and unpredictability:    

-The difficulty context was created because of last economic crises which affect the whole world. It created more difficult condition for the market participants. All the companies tried to conserve their resources through different fiscal and financial strategies but in the same time looking for some growth, expansion and increase of performances.

-The changeable context may be viewed through high informational fluctuation. The social media has been grown too match, and combined with relatively small markets it’s make the information to be distributed very quickly. Nowadays you don’t need to know the special inside person in order to get needed information it is enough just to be subscribed to the key blogs, internet pages, social networks and new important information will be known in a short time. The post official announcement of already known information will not have expected results.

-The unpredictable context is related to the particularities of Romanian market. Based on the fact that this is relatively yang market, the national legislation system and country governance are little bit unpredictable and vulnerable. Sometimes it is really difficult to make some long term expectation because there is a big probability that new legislation may be adopted and your target could not be achieved.