Talent as an economic good


Abstract This paper aims to address a very important topic in the field of human resources in terms of comparative advantage that it brings: the talent. The occupational profile is currently the subject of unprecedented transformations and their effects are felt increasingly more without being able to be predicted accurately. The efficiency and the supply and demand law applies to all aspects of economic and social life from public health and education to private sector SMEs. They often affect the professional elections of human resources without enable them to engage in a conscious led process. Human resources in the economy however should be more than efficiency as the human being is more than a sum of synchronized anatomical operating systems. Professional performance in the absence of professional satisfactions leads in time to waste of human resources. We consider that accurate knowledge of the talent of every individual, their qualities or strengths, is a first step, essential for choosing an economic and personal rewarding professional way. The propose topic is a starting-point for a wider research that is intended to be conducted in the entire education system and aims to highlight the perception of master students upon the talent and its role in their working life.