Targeting Net-Zero through Industry 4.0 based on People, Process, and Technology (PPT) Framework: A Literature Review


The fourth industrial revolution or industry 4.0 technologies (I4.0) are adopted by organizations to improve their performance and competitiveness.  Net zero(NZ) sustainability strategy is a crucial element of any business strategy today. Hence any organizational digital transformation must be aligned with net zero sustainability strategy.  Thus, the aim of this pilot study is, first, to examine the existing literature on the status of the literature that targets I4.0 for NZ, and second to assess the critical success factors (CSF) for targeting I4.0 applications to NZ sustainability strategy.  Based on initial analysis of some published articles in the Web of Science database, the CSF are classified into the dimensions of People, Process, and Technology (PPT), which is a popular organizational framework that assists organization in any digital transformation.  This study provided insights and future directions for researchers and practitioners about targeting I4.0 to NZ.