Teacher Digital Skills and Academic Performance in High School Students, in the Context of Virtual Learning


In the context of virtual learning, teacher's digital skills play an essential role in student learning, so the management of these skills becomes part of the skills that every teacher should have. The research had a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental design, cross-sectional and correlational scope. The sample consisted of 105 high school teachers from different educational institutions in Lima, Peru. The sample had an average age of 32.48 (SD = 3.5), 48% were women and 52% men, 46% work in public institutions while 54%, in private institutions. The Teaching Digital Competences (CDD) questionnaire was applied. This instrument measures digital competencies in 4 dimensions: Information Management, Communication and collaboration, Creation of digital content and Problem solving (didactics and security and maintenance of devices). In relation to the academic performance variable, the average of the final grades obtained by the students of the evaluated teacher was considered. The results that were found indicate a significant and positive relationship between the teacher's digital skills and the student's academic performance (r = .36, p <.01). In addition, there were found significant differences according to the type of school, where private school teachers have higher scores in the Problem solving and Information management dimensions. Digital competencies respond to the demand for another way of teaching and learning from students in this new context of digital learning.
