Team Work and Cooperation of Employees 50+ with Younger Employees in Czech Organisations


The article presents the results of the research conducted through semi-standardized personal interviews. These interviews were made while the author was writing his doctoral thesis which is focused on specific aspects of personnel management of employees 50+ in Czech organisations. Eighteen personnel managers (or employees of HR department) took part in this qualitative research. The results and conclusions which are presented in the article are focused mainly on the team work and cooperation between the employees of the age group 50+ and the employees of the age group 50- in the given organisation. In the article the author tries to bring the attention to the personnel management and personnel policies focused on the age group 50+, due to the fact that these employees are a vital source of tacit knowledge and they also have great experience and skills gained during their life. One of the ways how to share the knowledge and experience is the team work and cooperation with other employees. According to the article “Jak mohou spolupracovat staří a mladí” (2010) the cooperation in the age diversified teams the balance between the innovative abilities and experience can be a vital way how to keep a high level of motivation of both age groups. In the ever-ageing, highly dynamic society an appropriate cooperation of both age groups is more and more important – from the point of view of knowledge management and diversity management. The interpersonal communication and the ability to learn from each other are the key factors to get successful working conditions on each work place. “Jak mohou spolupracovat staří a mladí“(2010)