Technology and Education. The Necessity of Customer Relationship Management Implementation for Reposting Romanian Universities


Many universities don't have a framework and a systematic process, for building a mix of skills and competencies that exist in the nowadays current workforce. This makes hard to assess and forecast the gaps and to determine the actions that needs to be taken for making sure that the right competencies are at the right time. There is an emphasis on personalizing student experience. This focus should be in creating new positions in university focused in gathering data, analyzing and understanding student’s needs and expectations. Understanding student’s behavior allows universities to address pain points and align with the market in what concern jobs openings and students skills. Data should be shared fast even if the learning activity is coordinated in different universities divisions and this can be possible by integrating universities system and offering services just in time by increasing the transparency and data quality. Technology usage is a critical part and it allows the creation of personal experience according to new generation profile. Technologies in this scenario include CRM, cloud, VR and other more. Higher education, like all industries, should embrace emerging technologies as cloud computing and not only to reduce costs, improve both students and staff experience. Through the benefits of moving to the cloud and implementing a CRM, there is innovation so as the education environment changes in the same line with its users. There should be a difference between graduation and figuring out how to complete learning objectives. This research study is evaluating the importance of CRM in creating a reliable and long term relationship between universities and students. The study investigates professor’s perceptions about CRM adoption in Romania Universities; impact of CRM implementation and the relationship between the CRM implementation and professors attitude towards the factors that will contribute to increase the quality. For the purpose of this current study, a sampling survey was conducted among 45 professor of selected of Bucharest University of Economic Studies using a structured questionnaire. For data analysis we used Percentage analysis and Chi – Square test. The study shows effective CRM adoption can lead to better confidence in the formal educational sector. Also, the study reveals that universities should build relationship with students by using technology and data to improve classes and external partnership. In this way they will achieve student’s loyalty and long term retention.