Technology Diffusion, Innovation and Institutionalisation in Judicial Environment


Technology has become an  integral part of today’s society. While it has become deeply ingrained in some organizational system  and culture, some organizations are still struggling in their technology adoption efforts.  This due to the fact that the innovation decision depends heavily on the innovation decision of the members of an organization, based on their adoption of the five-step process in which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time. This decision is also influenced by the pattern innovation adopter trend. Once the organizational members have taken technology for granted, this means the use of technology is accepted as a norm. To achieve this institutionalization, this research suggests a five-stages technology implementation/assimilation process of 1) Initiation, 2)Implementation, 3)Assimilation, 4) Routinization and 5) Institutionalisation.  This paper subsequently discussed the various types of technologies implemented in courtrooms around the world including the case management system, automated transcription system and  electronic legal database management.