Technology Use in Information and Records Management in Courts


Full  and  accurate  case  information  is  the  backbone  for  a  fair  case  decision.  This  process  of  justice dispensation could only be achieved with a systematic information and records management in courts.  The  state  of the art  courtroom  technologies  offers  the  mechanism  for  this  realization.  Many  countries around  the  globe started  using  the  technologies  for  this  purpose,  among  others  through  digitization  of court  case  information,  electronic case  filing,  online  payment  and  transactions,  real-time  transcription, recording of full hearing, remote hearing through teleconferencing; online expect testimony and so on. As a result, case disposal rate is increasing, at the same time, reducing the large number of old backlogged cases. This paper discussed the court’s information and records management focusing on its technological aspects.  The  second  part  of  this  paper  discussed  about  information system  theories  influencing  IT implementation  in  courts.  The  Task-Technology  Fit  theory  and  the  Socio-Technical Fit  theory  is considered to be necessary in the course of IT implementation in courts.