Telecommuting: Enhancing Work-Life Balance For Single Parents and Physically Challenged Individuals


Telecommuting refers to a state in which an employee is working at home or outside the traditional office or workplace. This kind of work arrangement has become an important employment tool nowadays. Through advancements in technology, gadgets and mobile connections become more accessible which enables telecommuting to be more popular to individuals especially those having a hard time balancing work and life relations. The purpose of this study is to assess and examine the positive and negative aspects of telecommuting and its effectiveness to employees like single parents and physically challenged individuals while managing both work and non-work facets. Results are based on experimental and survey-based research. This work arrangement will let single parents spend more attention or quality time with their kids while earning through telecommuting jobs. Also, to physically impaired persons, this will allow them to balance their needs like therapy and other medical appointments while working at their most convenient times. Telecommuting will be one way of helping this individuals relieve stress while attaining work-life balance and be more time and cost efficient. As telecommuting becomes a norm, a comprehensive telecommuting policy and training programs should be placed and observed. Through this, employment discrimination will be lessen against single parents and physically impaired persons. Moreover, it would be better if this work-at-home jobs be a platform for stay-at-home people like them to better help manage their time while earning.