Territorial Capital and the Image of the City


There are now many ways to analyze or measure region development. Most of them consider the main economic indicators, such as the level of gross product or per capita income. The deterioration of the environmental situation has led to increased attention to indicators of environmental pollution. The realization that human well-being is the main goal of development has led to the use of indicators such as the quality or standard of living of the population. Territorial capital is a complex category that is promising for assessing both the result-the success of the region and the existing potential, which is the basis for the development of regional policy. Territorial capital can be defined as the set of assets of different nature which characterize territories. To some extent it is closer to the concept of club good, where the club membership is determined by being an active part (e.g. a worker, a student) of a certain community. It includes both material resources (natural, fixed capital stock, social overhead capital) and intangible (human, social, relational capital). Assessment of the territorial capital, formed in public opinion, is the image of the region and first of all, its center, the image of the city. The image of the city, although it is the object of marketing, can not be created artificially, especially in the information age. It is «grown» on real characteristics.

This article aims at justification for use of the concept «territorial capital» for the analysis of region development and consideration of the image as its integral assessment, formed in the public consciousness.