The Actions of Enterprises Taken to Protect the Climate and their Financial Consequences


With the climate protection issue becoming more and more urgent and noisy recently, enterprises are under increasing pressure to take environmentally friendly measures. Steps taken to mitigate, manage or adapt to climate change are associated, on the one hand, with the need to make a financial contribution, but on the other hand, with the prospect of increasing competitiveness and thus profitability. The aim of this study is to verify the actions taken by enterprises to protect the climate, taking into account the financial consequences.

The analysis has shown that most enterprises limit their environmental protection plans to short-term actions related to savings. On the other hand, a smaller percentage of enterprises declare long-term steps, generating new revenues and determining a more sustainable growth. Generally, this is connected with the fact that the transformation of activity is connected with the initial high financial outlays. Examples of enterprises that have presented climate change targets are BP, Shell, Repsol, Total.