The Anti-Consumption Behaviour and the Brand Rejection Motivation – the Case of iPhone


We all make choices when we make acquisitions. When we choose something we always give up on something else. Therefore, it is important to find out what motivates consumers or how the motivational system that lies behind the consumer choices functions. The goal of this paper is to explore why people may avoid some brands or, more specifically, to discover the reasons why people reject certain brands in the purchasing decisions. In many situations, the motivational mechanism behind the refusal to purchase or to use a brand is very extensive and complex. Thus, the stake is to identify the reasons behind consumers’ reluctance to buy a brand and also, through the non-consumers behaviour analysis, to establish the importance of the negative component in the purchasing phenomenon. The quantitative research presented in this paper aims to describe the non-users motivations, by studying some components of the anti-consumption behaviour, and to point out what has a great importance when evaluating a product, namely an Apple smartphone. By understanding what reasons contribute to brand avoidance and which factors restrict it, marketing managers have several options to ensure that their brands remain strong.