The Collaborative Governance Strategy Employed by the Indonesian Government for State Asset Management


As part of its current era of reform, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia has introduced several changes designed to deliver better public service and improve the performance of its Directorates-General and ministries. Several forms of cooperation among different stakeholders in governance have been instituted in response to common problems in public service provision. These forms of collaboration, collectively known as collaborative governance, include the government, non-state actors, the private sector and concerned individuals. The present research focuses on the Indonesian Ministry of Finance’s Directorate General of State Assets (Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara, or DJKN), which has experienced various problems in state asset management cycles and has attempted to apply collaborative governance methods to resolve those problems. We analyzed the DJKN's implementation of collaborative governance in the management of government property during the period 2015–2018. Our findings indicate that, in general, the DJKN has effectively applied collaborative governance.