The Concept Of A Coordinated Healthcare Model For Patients With Dizziness


In developed countries, due to the change in lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle), dizziness and disturbances are an increasing health problem and concern about 15%-20% of adults. Dizziness is a frequent cause of visits to doctors. In the literature, there are not many evidence-based scientific studies that would specifically identify this problem especially in areas: epidemiology, etiology and providing comprehensive patient’s care in the health system. This confirms the need for an interdisciplinary approach to the problem. In polish healthcare system coordinated healthcare model of treatment exist in some areas of medicine (care program after myocardial infarction: KOS-infarction), but it is very important to develop this approach in different fields of medicine, specially nowadays when civilization diseases are spreading.That is why building coordinated healthcare model of treatmentof dizziness is curtail for giving patients the opportunity to take advantage of medical care faster and complex, also to be examined by various specialists, whose knowledge will allow proper conduct of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. This is all the more important because differential diagnosis is important in these patients, especially that about 25% of patients still fail to determine the etiology of symptoms. Main aim of the article was to analyze the problem from the point of view of the actual needs of patients and indicating good practices in creating model of coordinated patient care with dizziness.
