The Confidentiality – Integrity – Accessibility Triad into the Knowledge Security: A Reassessment from the Point of View of the Knowledge Contribution to Innovation


The necessity of (re)considering the three main faces of security mentioned in the title of the paper derives from the accumulation of the importance of the knowledge circulating in organizations, with the existence of numerous dangers and threats that target this knowledge, focusing on people as depositaries and users of knowledge. After a general presentation of the knowledge workers characteristics that can be analyzed as potential risks from the point of view of the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of knowledge, the paper suggests some solutions that spin around the idea, that is, knowledge security is a human problem and not a technical one, and therefore it should be treated as such. The paper is mainly addressed to the managers interested in the use of knowledge in the activity of the organizations they lead, warning them about the sensitive points of the knowledgerelated activities, with the dangers associated with them and suggesting them that the traditional informational security mechanisms are not sufficient, that they have to be reanalyzed and improved in knowledge security.