The Contribution of Geomatics Technologies in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage


The last ten years have brought spectacular changes in the structure, nature and cost of geomatics systems and technologies. The decrease of the specific costs due to the increase of the service offer, makes these technologies more and more accessible, including in the conservation and enhancement activities of the cultural heritage built. The fact that in Transylvania there are more than 600 castles and mansions in different stages of degradation, because they have not yet been major themes for promotion, can be a prime example, because sooner or later, they will have to be analyzed and highlighted. The confirmation comes from the priorities of the Europe 2020 program of the European Commission and the European Council, through which the role of castles in Transylvania can be established in the context of the role of culture in local and regional development. The objective of this work is on the one hand to provide companies active in the field with information on the up-to date status of the new geomatics technologies, thus contributing to the increase of their offer of specialized services, and on the other hand to signal to the beneficiary specialists (architects, historians, restorers, builders) the opportunities created by these systems as final results (Façade and Detail Plans, Models 2 and 3D, Sections, Relays, etc.) extremely useful in establishing strategies to restore the value of the cultural heritage built. The case study was carried out on a Bánffy Castle. From the village of Urmeniș, Bistrița-Năsăud County