The Correlation between Personality and Creativity of Contestants in the National Industry-Related Skills


In recent years, creativity has become an essential indicator of the competitiveness of nations, but there is still a lot of space left for discussion when it comes to the definition of creativity. Through reviewing the relevant literature to the definitions offered by different scholars, this paper uses Mel Rhodes’ “4Ps Model,” which takes the four influential factors (Process, Personality, Product and Press/Place) in displaying creativity into consideration to define “creativity.” Studying and categorizing the contestants in the National Industry-Related Skills Competition in Taiwan with John Holland's Types of Personality, this paper tries to understand the connection between creativity in participants’ products and their personalities with their various reflection and reaction on the designed examination questions. The result concludes that the directions given by the examinations will be read differently when they meet the people with different personalities, which further influences the performance of creativity. For example, students in the category of Type C, Type E and Type R have better abilities to organize and arrange information but are slightly weaker in thinking abstractly; the participants of these types can produce more complete a product than students of Type A.