The Culinary Tourism within the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve


The tourism within the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve is dependent on socio-economic activities, fishing and fish farming based on the richness of living aquatic creatures in natural fish habitats. At the level of Romania, the “Danube Delta” Biosphere Reserve extends on the territory of Tulcea and Constanța counties; of the total area of Tulcea county, almost half (4470 km2) is occupied by the wetlands made up of the Danube Delta and the Razim-Sinoie lake complex. The connection of this space with tourism is known before 1991, the year of receiving the state of international protection by UNESCO, but also later in a form based on sustainable principles, the authorities acting to promote and develop it. Tourism was seen as the foundation of the economic development of Tulcea county following the evaluation of the opportunities through tourism on account of the tourist potential.
