The Development Efficiency Of The Dairy Subcomplex Of The Agro-Industrial Complex Is The Basis Of Food Security


The annual reduction in the number of cattle, including the number of cows, actualizes the problem of providing the population with dairy products and milk. The purpose of the article is to consider the main indicators of milk production and consumption in the Sverdlovsk region. The authors highlight the main reasons for not reaching the threshold values ​​indicated in the Doctrine of Food Security for Milk and Dairy Products. The article uses the economic and statistical method. The empirical basis of the article is a case study of the development of the dairy subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex. In a rapidly changing economy, an increase in the world's population, more and more attention has been paid to the problems of providing the population with food, as well as self-sufficiency in food due to limited resources. Unfortunately, at the beginning of 2020, the Russian Federation did not reach the thresholds set by the Food Security Doctrine for self-sufficiency in milk and milk products, thus we can talk about the loss of food independence. The threshold values ​​(target values) for the main food products are presented in Figure 1. Milk production is one of the main directions of ensuring the «national security of the country» [9.3]. The Food Security Doctrine, approved in 2020, approved changes to the methodology for calculating food independence indicators. Namely, an indicator of self-sufficiency in food has been introduced.