The E-Government, Regarded as Technology of Administrative Services or an Access to a Democratic Government


The e-government information system signifies a challenge, since it has become the result of research activities towards the interaction created between citizens and administrative services managed by the community’s states. Within the Community’s strategy developed during 2007-2013, the European Committee emphasized the efficiency and unilateral development of administrative services of egovernment, e-learning or e-health type, services that have a significant impact over the economical growth, by speeding-up and making easier the citizens access to public services.

In this way, the e-government can be considered as an essential support by which the state, as public authority, provides to citizens the necessary instrument in order to satisfy the democracy. The direct participation and evaluation of decisional options so as to develop the state’s democracy by using the e-government information system, has created a relationship between citizens and institutional authority of the state, a connection which brings towards the decongestion of situations under pressure, in case of government errors. This paper emphasizes an evaluation of material way of applying the e-government process at national level, as comparing to that communitary. This is carried out within a hypothesis-technology of satisfying the social administrative services to citizens, as services consumers. On the other hand, the situation is analyzed under the hypothetical view, by which the citizens can participate to political life, in order to access a democratic frame of economic development.