The Economic Impact of Brexit on the Cohesion Funds. What Does it Mean for CAP and Romania in Particular?


Brexit continues to be a disruptive event in the European Union whose effects continue to go on and on as the negotiation turns more and more into a conflictual process having as a result a “hard Brexit”. It is in this author opinion that this course of events won’t let anyone untouched and one of the primary victims is going to be the EU budget as Romania would lose EU funds after the United Kingdom would withdraw from the European Union. This is one the biggest risk for Romania because our country, has had a reduced capacity of absorption of EU funds.We would present the general lines of discussion, the envisaged scenarios and their impact on this highly sensitive topic while also presenting Romania’s position and the possible solutions to counter this. A particular accent would be set upon the funds allocated for the agricultural policy and the ways that Romania can counteract a possible reduction in financing.