The Economy Of Russia’s Regional Horticulture: Conditions And The Future


The goal of our research is to identify the problems of Russian horticulture and establish the directions of their solution in the modern conditions. We have considered the structure of Russia’s fruit imports, established that by 2018 fresh apple imports fell by 44.5% compared with 2013. We noted a change in the key importers of horticulture produce -- now, after sanctions are introduced, they are Serbia and Moldova, whose share in total imports amounts to 58.3%. The gross harvest of fruit and berries has been rising recently in the whole of Russia and in the regions on the back of a higher yield and expansion of the area of orchards and berry fields. The state and regional programs of agriculture development and regulation of the markets of agricultural produce, raw materials and food as well as investment and innovation projects help the innovative development of horticulture. Thus, the Lipetsk region planted 2,500 ha of orchards on dwarf rootstocks in 2014–2017 under the investment programs of perennial plantings.